Configuring PeakRDL#

Additional configuration options can be provided to PeakRDL and its plugins via a TOML file. These configuration options are in addition to runtime command-line options and are intended to be static settings that are specific to your development environment.

Specifying a configuration file#

The PeakRDL configuration file can be explicitly specified using the --peakrdl-cfg option. Otherwise, Peakrdl searches for a configuration file in the following order, and uses the first one it finds:

  1. peakrdl.toml in the current working directory

  2. .peakrdl.toml in the current working directory

  3. The file named by environment variable PEAKRDL_CFG

  4. .peakrdl.toml in your home directory

  5. .config/peakrdl.toml in your home directory

  6. In /etc/peakrdl.toml

PeakRDL configuration options#

Options specific to the PeakRDL core are defined under the [peakrdl] TOML heading.


Provide additional search paths for Python to use to discover importable modules. Paths can be absolute, or relative to the enclosing config file.


Mapping of additional importer plugins to load. The mapping’s key indicates the importer’s name. The value is a string that describes the import path and importer class to load.

For example:

[peakrdl] = "my_importer_module:MyImporterDescriptorClass"

Mapping of additional exporter plugins to load. The mapping key indicates the exporter’s subcommand name. The value is a string that describes the import path and exporter class to load.

For example:

[peakrdl] = "my_exporter_module:MyExporterDescriptorClass"

Plugin-specific configuration options#

Importers and exporters may define their own configuration options as necessary. Their configuration options are defined within their own heading of the corresponding name. For example:

user_template_dir = "../path/to/html_templates"
extra_doc_properties = ["hw", "my_udp"]

See the plugin-specific reference documents for more details onhow they can be configured.