SystemRDL Tutorial#

SystemRDL is the primary input language recommended for the PeakRDL toolchain. This tutorial is intended to be a quick introduction of some basic SystemRDL concepts. For more in-depth details, see the official SystemRDL specification.

Component Types#

There are several component types that make up the building-blocks of any SystemRDL address map description.


A field is the lowest-level component in SystemRDL. It describes the behavior of a collection of bits within a register. A field is also the most configurable component in the SystemRDL language. It has the most number of properties dedicated to it and can be configured into countless behaviors.


A register is a container for one or more fields that are accessible by software at a given address.


A register file is a logical grouping of registers or additional register files. The regfile is a convenient mechanism to group conceptually-related registers together within a design.


An address map is also a grouping of all of the above, but it also implies a physical boundary in an implementation. SystemRDL does not attempt to imply what this boundary is, but it is usually the boundary of a register block module in RTL, an encapsulation of an IP or subsystem, etc.


Signals provide a mechanism to define additional inputs into the register map so that they can augment the behavior of components. Usually signal references are assigned to various component properties.


A memory represents an array of storage elements in your design. You can optionally instantiate registers inside a memory to imply structure.

Defining and instantiating components#


There are two ways to define a component:

Named Definition

Named definitions are useful if you plan to re-use the component multiple times. The named definition can be instantiated multiple times. For example, a field definition + instantiation may look like this:

// Define the component once
field my_field_type {
    // (component body)

// Instantiate it multiple times
my_field_type field_instance_1;
my_field_type field_instance_2;
my_field_type field_instance_3;
Anonymous Definition

An anonymous definition is a shorthand way of defining a component without a type name. Anonymous definitions are immediately instantiated. These are useful if you do not intend to re-use the field definition multiple times.

field {
    // (component body)
} field_instance;


The reg, regfile, addrmap, and mem components can be instantiated as an array of instances. Arrays can have multiple dimensions.

reg my_reg_type {
    // (component body not shown)

my_reg_type reg_array[16]; // 16-element array. 0 to 15
my_reg_type reg_array_3d[4][4][4]; // 3-dimensional array. 64 total elements

Specifying the position of an instance#


If left unpecified, the bit-position of a field is allocated sequentially. Otherwise, you can explicitly define the field position:

my_field_type field_1[3:0]; // 4-bit wide field at bit position [3:0]
my_field_type field_2[4]; // another 4-bit wide field, implied at position [7:4]
my_field_type field_3; // single-bit field at a bit-offset of 8
my_field_type field_4[16:16]; // single-bit field at bit offset 16

Often, it is necessary to specify a field’s reset value. This is done using the reset assignment operator:

my_field_type field_1[7:0] = 42; // field has a reset value of 42

Addressible Components#

reg, regfile, addrmap and mem components all get allocated to an address in the register map. If un-specified, the address is automatically assigned sequentially. It is best practice to allocate addresses explicitly. All address offsets are relative to the parent component. SystemRDL always uses byte addressing.

my_reg_type reg_1 @ 0x1000; // is at address offset 0x1000

To define the spacing between elements in an array, use the array stride allocation operator: +=

// reg_array[0] @ 0x1000
// reg_array[1] @ 0x1010
// reg_array[2] @ 0x1020
// etc ...
my_reg_type reg_array[16] @ 0x1000 += 0x10;

Assigning properties#

SystemRDL properties are used to annotate the details of a component and its behavior. For a full listing of properties, see the SystemRDL specification.

Properties can be assigned directly:

field {
    name = "My awesome field";
    desc = "A longer description of what this field does";
    sw = rw;
    hw = r;

If a boolean property has no value assigned, it is implied to be true:

// implies: counter = true;

Properties of an instance can be overridden:

field my_awesome_field {
    name = "My awesome field";

my_awesome_field field_1;

field_1->name = "My overridden name";

You can specify a ‘default’ property assignment. This will automatically be applied to all component definitions enclosed in the lexical scope:

default sw = rw;

field my_awesome_field {
    // implied: sw = rw;

Some properties accept references to other components:

my_awesome_field field_1;
my_awesome_field field_2;

field_1->reset = field_2; // field_1 will get field_2's value when reset.

Or references to other properties:

field {
} my_counter[7:0];

my_awesome_field field_1;

// my_counter will increment every time field_1 is accessed by software
my_counter->incr = field_1->swacc;

Parameterized Components#

Just like in HDL languages, SystemRDL lets you parameterize components. This allows you to define generic components that can be re-used with different parameterizations.

reg my_reg_type #(longint SIZE = 4, bit RESET = 4'hF) {
    field {} f1[SIZE - 1: 0] = RESET;

my_reg_type r1; // Default parameterization
my_reg_type #(.SIZE(8)) r2;
my_reg_type #(.SIZE(16), .RESET(16'hABCD)) r3;

Some Examples#

Here are a few interesting examples of what you can do with SystemRDL. There are countless of combinations possible, so just go ahead and look through the SystemRDL specification to learn more!

field rw_field {
    // A field that is read and writable by software
    sw = rw;
    // and whose value is visible to hardware
    hw = r;

// A read-only field driven by a hardware signal
// No storage element
field ro_field {
    sw = r;
    hw = w;

// a field that read/writable by software, but is also writable by hardware
field hw_rw_field {
    sw = rw;
    hw = rw;
    we; // hardware has write-enable control.

// An up-counting counter
field counter_field {
    sw = r;
    counter; // is a counter that infers an increment control hardware input signal

// Field that is set by hardware, and cleard by software read
field event_flag_field {
    sw = r;
    hw = w;
    hwset; // Hardware control to set the field
    onread = rclr; // cleared when read by software
    precedence = hw; // if read and set at the same time, hardware wins.